THE ROLE OF HEMOGLOBIN IN CANCER – AN OPINION (ISSN 2753-8176 (online), DOI:10.13140/RG.2.2.17696.97281)


ISSN 2753-8176 (online), DOI:10.13140/RG.2.2.17696.97281

Ana Pedro1

1Gwyntwr1386 Pharmacy, Regus Chester Business Park, Heronsway, Chester, CH49QR, UK

We have identified by proteomics analysis a possible biomarker for early stage ER+ breast cancer (BC), HCG1745306 isoform CRA-a, an isoform of haemoglobin subunit alpha (HBA) (1). A large body of evidence supports a role for haemoglobin not only in BC diagnosis but also in cancer diagnosis in general. HBA has also been previously found to be upregulated in the urine of patients with early invasive BC (2). Also, previous work indicated the possibility of a direct relationship between the hemoglobin level and not only the early stages of cancer, but also the chemically induced precancerous condition (3).

Total haemoglobin (THC) has been shown to be present in higher concentrations in breast tumours in comparison to healthy tissues while oxyhemoglobin has been showed to be reduced thus reflecting early metabolic changes in cancer towards hypoxia (4,5). Haemoglobin has also been shown to predict axillary staging with a multivariate analysis study showing an independent relationship between the probability of axillary metastasis and elevated THC (6) .THC is significantly correlated with prognostic factors such as tumor size, histologic grade, ER, PR, and c-erbB-2 (7). In particular, hemoglobin beta expression (HBB) increases BC cells aggressiveness and associates with poor prognosis (8). In addition, in triple-negative BC, low hemoglobin is significantly associated with decreased disease-free survival (DFS) and overall survival (OS) (9). Low pretreatment haemoglobin levels may also negatively influence the tumour response to primary chemotherapy in BC (10). Anaemia during adjuvant chemotherapy is also associated with poor survival in patients with primary BC (11, 12).Blood hemoglobin concentration also seems to affect the prognosis of patients with early BC when a treatment schedule that includes radiotherapy is applied. Reduced radiosensitivity due to diminished tumor oxygenation may be the underlying cause (13). Also, in patients with a diagnosis of primary lung, colorectal, breast or liver cancer, higher post-diagnosis haemoglobin change regardless of the baseline haemoglobin levels and the direction of changes associates with a significantly shorter survival(14).

Moreover, different hemoglobin subtypes are expressed in samples derived from patients (including tumor samples) with different types of tumor and tumor cell lines derived from different types of tumors indicating that hemoglobin can be derived from the tumors (15) and the variation in the distribution of these hemoglobin subtypes seems to correlated in certain instances with tumor progression stages (16-24). Curiously, P53 overexpression in colorectal cancer (CRC) causes a decrease in the scores of HBB and HBA in primary CRC cell lines. In stage III there are decreases in the scores of HBB and HBA. As in stage III there are decreases in the scores of HBB and HBA, perhaps this explains the efficacy of adjuvant chemotherapy at this stage (25).

By other side, it was suggested that both diabetes and/or elevated glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) are associated with risk of cancer at several anatomic sites (26). Indeed, in hypoxic conditions, cancer cell metabolism undergoes a shift from oxidative phosphorylation to aerobic glycolysis (27). Indeed, tumor-derived hemoglobin might promote tumor cell survival. In a study was found that metastasis-competent circulating tumour cells (CTCs) experience oxidative stress in the bloodstream, although their survival mechanisms are not well defined. In CTCs from breast, prostate and lung cancers, there is consistent induction of HBB . The tumour-specific origin of HBB was confirmed by sequence polymorphisms within human xenograft-derived CTCs in mouse models. Increased intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS) in cultured breast CTCs triggered HBB induction suggesting that HBB is selectively deregulated in cancer cells, mediating a cytoprotective effect during blood-borne metastasis (28).

In conclusion:

- THC and different hemoglobin subunits seem to be associated with cancer progression and response to cancer treatment

- Hypoxia also seem to be associated with cancer progression and response to cancer treatment

- HBB seems to increase cancer cell aggressiveness

- HbA1c seems to be related with cancer, which might be related with cancer cell metabolic shift through a mechanism not very well defined

- Hemoglobin can be tumor - derived and might be selectively deregulated to promote cancer cell survival


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