An E-Medicine Delivery and Treatment Monitoring Service For Patients With Type-2 Diabetes In The NHS - Project proposal ((ISSN 2753-8176 (online)
An E-Medicine Delivery and Treatment Monitoring Service For Patients With Type-2 Diabetes In The NHS - Project proposal Ana Pedro 1 1 Gwyntwr1386 Pharmacy, Regus Chester Business Park, Heronsway, Chester, CH49QR, UK There is a high prevalence of diabetes and it continues to increase. The adherence to oral antidiabetics ranges from 36% to 93% (1). Moreover, improving the adherence to treatment in diabetes patients will lead to a better glycaemic control and could in the longterm reduce the incidence of micro- and macrovascular complications associated with diabetes (2,3). Also, most MCA (medicine-compliance aids) patients are elderly and suffer of combined cardiovascular disease including diabetes (4). Gwyntwr1386 Pharmacy, intends to provide a new, online clinical delivery and treatment monitoring service for the NHS based on a blister-pack and its external medication, a monitoring POC device and a web platform. In an automated fashion, this will deliver medication in ...